Why Should I Use a Co-Parenting App?
If you are in the process of a divorce, or are already divorced, and you have children, or if you are an unmarried parent, you should...

Badmouthing Your Ex Hurts the Kids!
Parental alienation occurs when one parent speaks poorly or critically of the other parent in front of a child in an effort to undermine...

What Does a 50/50 Parenting Time Schedule Look Like in Shared Parenting?
In Ohio, a court may order a shared parenting plan, also known as shared custody, that allocates parental rights and responsibilities...

As a stay at home Mom with no income of my own, how will I manage to pay bills during a divorce?
Deciding to move forward with a divorce can be a difficult decision, made more complicated when one spouse has been financially dependent...

Do Grandparents have any visitation rights?
Although grandparents historically did not have a legal right of access to their grandchildren, Ohio Revised Code §3109.051 states the...

I was a stay at home Mom for 20 years, and I'm getting divorced. Do I get half of my husband
Yes, most likely. In Ohio, courts will consider the retirement benefits that accumulate during a marriage to be marital assets to be...

How is Shared Parenting Different from Sole Custody?
Shared parenting used to be called joint custody. This means that both parents must cooperate and agree on parenting decisions. ...

How Do I Prepare for a Divorce?
A divorce is a major life shift, and it will greatly impact your finances. How should you prepare before you start the divorce process? ...

Holiday Tips for Divorced Co-Parenting
Are you involved in a high conflict divorce? Are you trying to figure out how to co-parent during the upcoming holidays WITHOUT...

Should I get a dissolution or a divorce?
Dissolution and divorce are both ways to end a marriage. A dissolution, or what I like to call a “short circuit divorce”, is the...